army of one/jc2 pastes some of the most compelling street art. in new york, in the world- anywhere- it's a gift. link:
he's been arrested.
one great thing about spring is that when the weather gets warm more fantastic art appears on the street. lately, especially, i've been waiting for new appearances of the imploring boy with the grenade. from what i read here there's a beautiful grenade boy out there that none of us got to see. and that's a loss to art lovers. a few pics.
but more than that, jc2's message is, in a cynical world, so, so needed. army, a veteran new york firefighter in his 40's, and committed volunteer for children's well being, pastes his images as a heartfelt plea for peace. this is someone who spends his life trying to help and protect people- especially children. if this is an "outlaw", this is an outlaw for a better world, where children aren't victims of atrocity or abuse.

i hope the beautiful voice will never be muffled.
ReplyDeleteour factory is prepared for an assault on the senses every nite….. We search the streets for anything we can use for our art , our message, our destiny and our savior..........I am prepared to face authority and condemnation from the new world order,in order to save a child from the streets and ravages of poverty, disease and war, our images are a metaphor for pain and ignorance to a childs plight, the innocence lost, on political corruption, religious vagrants and corporate greed,Army of One may never end war , poverty nor disease thru our grass roots meanderings and art. But we will bring it to the forefront of American Disgrace…….this Cause i have dedicated my rebirth too…….We who run with the night...............We who are given the vision................
We are responsible not to lay down with complacency and mediocrity................
We are the new visionaries
Our path is clear……Army of One/jc2
join us............
Thank you Diane Arbus , for your frightening and timely image and inspiring artists like us to topple the war machine , through our peaceful street art revolution .....
Becca... We can't thank you enuf for your kind words and blog , our voice will never be silenced when it comes to the fight to create a better world and the rights of Children, I have been in for the long Haul, I believe my fight and cause is just, and if I can change one persons mind , and or bring awareness to a child's plight, in this "modern" world ravaged by disease, poverty and War , then we have accomplished alot.....
ReplyDeleteWe are going underground for a while, but you can find me with the most beautiful , strongest children of the world , on EAST 73rd street in NYC, at one of the most worthiest of charities and a place built on love courage and support......The Ronsld McDonald House......
Peace and love..... Jc2
TO ALL OF MY FRIENDS......thank everyone for the out pouring of true support..........Your thoughts and kind words are much appreciated , as corporations and politicians lie, cheat and rob this world of it's innocence, resources and trust i...n our fellow man , and put us in harms way, my focus has always been how to make a difference in a child's life, from the war torn streets of poverty and despair, to the battlefields of every cancer hospital and operating room in the world, it us us they try and silence!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is us who are incarcerated and ridiculed for trying to make a is not the family values, the health care of the young and old, , nor the morality of humanity, they care about!!!!!