our friends eilis and eamon called friday evening. eamon received an award from the new york photo festival- editorial single image winner. they live in ireland, so we went to the party later that night to pick it up for him. link: eamon ward. eamon's winning photo is the first one in this nyph11 slide show:
New York Photo Awards 2011 - General Category Winners from New York Photo Festival on Vimeo.
the party was at st anne's warehouse in dumbo- we didn't really know anyone but we did run into alan chin, whom mike had met once through jason eskenazi*. chin is among the war photographers featured in this week's new york magazine.also:

these great photographs of cuba are by alex webb and rebecca norris webb whom i met today just by chance in boston. the photos will be on display in boston at the museum of fine arts through january 2011.

aaron watson hipped me to the albert watson show opening tomorrow at kahmann gallery in amsterdam!
more albert watson.
*jason eskenazi's kickstarter page: here
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